Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tacky Tuesday-Real Housewives Behavior

Now this blog can't just be all about fashion, beauty and style etc.  There are so many of those out there and I am a strong believer that beauty goes much deeper than the clothes you wear, makeup and beauty products you put on your skin, and the way you do your hair.  You have to live your life with style and substance to truly beautiful person inside and out.  And that is more where I see this blog going: lifestyle and beauty because you need a great balance of both to have it all!

With that intro said, I welcome you to the first edition of "Tacky Tuesdays".  Tacky Tuesdays will also include styles and makeup etc. that I find quite horrendous but let's be honest...tackiness comes in many forms!

So who is tacky this week? Sorry housewives of anything...you get the title this week!  Now don't get me wrong, I love that guilty pleasure just as much as the next girl and I watch them all.  But I think it is very important to stress, just cause you watch it doesn't mean you should live it!  Man these women are proof that money will never buy happiness.... what in the world ever made these women so angry?? They seem to take so much pride in ripping each other apart and it isn't always in a passive aggressive manner, these women are not afraid to raise their voices and b*tch each other out.  This is Trash...not CLASS.  There is an even worse show out there now called Mob Wives....well its been out for a few seasons now but oh wow do these women  meet the definition of classless acts.  The Chicago one (and as a Chicagoan, this show is not a good representation of the people in our city!) just astounds me.  This past week these women actually began physically beating one another all while screaming insults, curses and beyond.  These "ladies" do not put women in a very good light on national television. Pure Tackiness!

Now maybe I'm a goodie goodie two shoes but I don't believe in screaming or yelling at people in my life, especially other women who are my friends.  If you upset me, I'll act cordial but I will not pick a fight or go out of my way to tear you down.  Talking about one another behind each others backs is almost just as bad...especially if this women is considered a good friend of yours.  We women have come a very long but behavior like this just sets us back.  If we can not love and respect one another, how can we expect the men in our lives to do the same? 

Please ladies, don't be a Tacky Tuesday Sass and don't resort to Real Housewives behavior. I get that people will upset you or hurt you but hurting them back helps no one.  Surround yourself only with people who will make you feel positive about yourself and make your life better.  Frienemies are not trendy, they are just tacky since they cause you to act like you are auditioning for the next season of RH.  Just always treat others with respect or try to remember to do so in your everyday life.  In fact, imagine you are in a show and the things you are saying are going to be seen my your mother and grandmother...would they be proud of how you are acting.  Then imagine the one you are talking about is going to hear every negative thing you say about them and imagine it was reversed...would you be okay with that.

Ladies, its tough enough in this world, let's all try to play nice.  For now, lets leave the tacky behavior for the professionals.  And honestly, as much as I do enjoy the Real Housewives shows, sometimes the drama, and the pettiness and the downright cruelty that these women possess turns me off.  No one likes a mean girl...so be the girl next door and greet everyone with a smile! You look much prettier when you do!

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