Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tacky Tuesday: do you really need to do your makeup there??

I have spotted an unusual and in my opinion, tacky trend as of late.  I live in Chicago and therefore take the "El"  or public transportation to work every morning.  Now this is not a relaxing event.  Getting a seat is a rare and celebrated event often meaning you are likely to have a good day to follow. There are lots of people crowded on this commute most standing...let's just say there is no personal space involved in this experience.

So imagine my confusion and a little bit of disgust when twice in the past week I've seen girls doing their makeup in the middle of the commute.  While I suppose this is a very difficult task and these women perhaps should be praised for their skill and not scolded, I just can't.  This is just simply a pet peeve of mine. And for the record, I am not talking touching up a little lipstick or anything.  These girls I've spotted have had the whole makeup bag out and I've even spotted an eyelash seriously?

I suppose this is a safer alternative to those who drive and do their makeup in the car but still?? Clearly if you are doing your makeup on a crowded, moving train with someone's butt in your face, you are doing a 1/2 ass job in the first place.  If you are going to do a 1/2 ass job on your makeup, just quickly do it in 5 minutes before leaving for the day.

Trust me, everyone doesn't want to see your routine and how you put concealer under your eyes and then powder and that you blend using circular movements with your fingers.  If you want to give a makeup demo to a willing audience instead of those who are stuck watching you, put it on your YouTube channel!

Does this bother anyone else or am I alone in this Tacky Tuesday rant?

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