Monday, July 23, 2012

Style Sunday-Sporty Gal

So I'll be honest, back in the 90s when the Spice girls were all the rage, I always associated myself and my style more with Baby Spice than Sporty Spice.  However, as I've gotten older, I now see you would never have just one Spice Girls styles but a little bit of each ones.  Of course nowadays, I hope NO ONE had their style as I'm pretty sure my fashion sense tells me bright blue patent leather platform boots are not in! But the idea is different times in our lives call for different styles, sporty, cute and innocent, a little sexy and sultry, posh and classic, and sometimes a little wild. 

I, like many girls next door, am a bit of a sports fan.  I enjoy watching a nice baseball game in the summer, catching a college football game in the fall, and catching some hockey and basketball in the winter.  Now don't get me wrong, I believe everyone should continue to have style when they attend sporting games but I am very anti "sexing"it up for a sporting game.  Don't be the girl in stiletto heels among beer drinking, jersey wearing,hot dog eating me; don't get me wrong, you'll get attention but mainly because you stick out like a sore thumb.  A guy will definitely be thinking you are the high maintenance  girl who will be yapping in his ear and checking your cell phone wishing you were anywhere but there.  But yea, save the skin tight clothes and the dresses and stilettos for the club, not the stadium.

On the other is the over the top look.  First of all, I think you want to keep it to one team themed clothing item.  You want to support your team but you want to look to stylish at the same time.  My other sport fashion no-no is jerseys.  I'm sorry girls, this may be an unpopular view but I think even the prettiest girls do not look good in any type of jersey.  They are not flattering to the figure and do you really want to match your boyfriend or that dude who had to too much to drink two rows in front of you??  So no to the team jersey...

So what to wear?  Well it of course depends on the event and the the weather.  For baseball games, I think a very cute look is a sundress with your teams baseball hat.  It allows you to embrace the team you are cheering and still keep your girly side.  Plus, I know a lot of guys who find it very sexy when girls wear a baseball hat.  You can also not go wrong with a cute pair of shorts and a distressed and girl cut team t-shirt.  And no matter what, always wear sandals or flip flops.  I just don't think heels or wedges belong at a sports park..again probably not a popular view but how I feel.

College Football is really easy because the preppy, campus look is a classic one that will definitely work for this event.  A pair of skinny jeans, flat knee high riding boots, a team t-shirt and a chunky sweater or cardigan will work perfectly.  Add some team flair with a cute pair of gloves or mittens, a scarf or again a baseball hat.  Or simply wear the colors of the team.  I'm also a big fan of the ponytail with the a ribbon.  I haven't worn this look since my college days but going back to a college campus for a football game is the perfect excuse for this.  NFL games follow the same concept though you may want to downplay the preppy factor and go for maybe a fleece instead of a chunky preppy sweater and of course..layering if its cold. Try and find a team knit hat to show your support.If you are simply going to a bar to cheer on your team, again the team t-shirt and jeans will always work.

Now hockey and basketball games are a little trickier.  You can probably get away with being a little dressier as often times games during the week are a big post-work event and you'll often see more people dressed in suits and business attire coming straight from work.  I more often will wear the team colors if I am coming straight from work but if I am coming on a weekend, I like to dress it down again with jeans and a cute sweater.  Here is the balance in this situation, if you are dressed up, it should be in in business attire as you have just come from work otherwise, a sweater and jeans is always a good bet.  Again, I think a baseball hat can work well here as you can wear a casual, cute outfit and support the team at the same time.

So see you can look cute and sporty at the same time whether you are a fan or are just pretending.  Just remember where you are and what you are there for...oh and one more rule I almost forgot...if you do wear a sports teams flair, do not wear PINK!  I hate that you can take any teams logo, slap it on pink fabric and call it a girls shirt.  The only time you can do this is when the team is supporting Breast Cancer during Mother's Day or October.  At all other times, if you are a fan, embrace the colors whether its brown and orange or bright yellow and red.  Your team is your team so go support them..besides, color blocking is in right now :)

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